It’s Your Right to Choose the Best Work Injury Doctor
The most important right you possess is the freedom to choose a doctor and the treatment needed to make you well. You don’t have to go to the doctor your company recommends. Dr. Ted Gertel works only for you, not your employer or insurance company. Every decision he makes will be solely in your best interests.
An injured worker in the State of Wisconsin has the right to choose his or her own doctor.
Work Injury Orthopaedic Surgeon: Choose Your Best Path to Full Recovery
Workers come in all shapes and sizes. So do work injuries. When you are hurt on the job or suffer a work-related injury, you have rights. The nature or degree of your injury doesn’t matter. Your rights remain constant. Dr. Gertel is a work injury orthopaedic surgeon who just wants you to get better – a Wisconsin doctor for people who truly want to recover.
Perhaps you have a knee injury or ankle injury. You might have a serious sprain or even a broken bone. You may have suffered a shoulder injury or elbow injury, with a tendon or cartilage tear. Repetitive motion injuries are also quite common. Surgery may be needed or perhaps physical therapy or injection.
Work Injury Clinic in Milwaukee Area: Dr. Ted Gertel Treats You Like a Pro Athlete
Dr. Gertel is the Wisconsin Work Injury Doctor, and he takes a sports medicine approach to treating worker’s compensation injuries. No other doctor does this. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. Dr. Ted Gertel will treat you like an athlete. Professional and collegiate athletes in Milwaukee appreciate the excellent work done by Dr. Gertel. You probably won’t ever be a professional athlete, but why not seize this opportunity to be treated like one?
The Wisconsin Work Injury Doctor takes care of you. Professional and collegiate athletes, firefighters, police, construction workers, office workers and warehouse workers are common types of patients who benefit from Dr. Gertel’s excellent work.
Sports Medicine Physician for Everybody
Board certified orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Ted Gertel, has over 20 years of experience in effectively dealing with work-related injuries. A widely-recognized workers' comp doctor who has treated many professional athletes, he and his staff will treat you with compassion and professional expertise to guide you along the path to recovery.
Dr. Gertel will do everything possible to get you safely back on the job as quickly as possible. He works only for you, not your employer or insurance company. When you contact the Wisconsin Work Injury Doctor, an appointment will be scheduled as quickly as possible. You will usually be seen within a few days. He keeps a tight office schedule so patients don’t have to wait. X-rays are done on-location. If you need a more sophisticated test, it will be scheduled immediately. If surgery is needed, it will be done as soon as possible.
Dr. Gertel’s medical reports are extremely thorough, and this is critical to protect your worker's compensation rights if the insurance company tries to deny your claim. Your insurance company will have no questions about what procedures were needed, how and when they were done, and what the outcome was. The best way a doctor can safeguard you from unfair denials is to clearly document the details of your injury and to explain why this injury is work-related. No doctor understands this better than Dr. Gertel.
Work Injury Doctor Is with You Every Step of the Way
The first step is to find out what is wrong by getting an accurate diagnosis for dealing with your work injury joint pain. Dr. Gertel will work quickly to identify the problem.
The second step is to select the right treatment plan, allowing you to safely return to work as soon as possible. This may involve physical therapy, injection treatment, or surgery. Dr. Gertel fully explains every option. You can then make a fully-informed decision regarding what course would be the best treatment for your shoulder injury, elbow injury, knee injury or ankle injury.
The third and final step is to set up a gradual return-to-work program. You’ll need a carefully-tailored physical rehabilitation program before you are fully-cleared for work.
Remember, your body has been injured. The most important right you have is to choose the treatment which is best for you.

The first step is to find out exactly what is wrong. You need an accurate diagnosis, and there should be no delay getting the necessary tests (X-rays, MRI scan, etc.). You need to know what is wrong before you can fix the problem.

The second step is to make a treatment plan that allows you to safely return to work as soon as possible. This may involve physical therapy, injection treatment, or surgery. Dr. Gertel explains all of the available options and helps you decide on the best treatment.

The third step is to set up a gradual return to work program when you are medically cleared. Dr. Gertel uses the same approach in order to successfully get athletes back into the game. A custom rehab program is designed for you. We clear athletes to play when they are ready to compete, and we send you back to work when you are physically able to do the job.